Joyful Words Blog
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my path.
– Psalm 119:105
– Psalm 119:105
…complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart, thinking one thing. Philippians 2:5
Complete HIS joy…now there’s a cool thought! Just how do we do that? St. Paul helped us with that answer as he spilled out these instructions in his letter to the Philippians. He said, be of the same mind as Jesus and love like Jesus and give him your whole heart so you become one. Our entire journey to sainthood is packed right into these few words but the trick is putting them into action. The heart and the mind are truly connected and I find in my own life that if I get my mind right my heart will follow. But getting the mind right takes some doing because there are so many voices fighting for a spot in my thoughts. Attempting to have a like mind to Jesus takes some focus for sure. Truly understanding how someone thinks often requires a change in perspective. Managers at Disney properties spend some time each week observing a section of their space from their knees. Since their focus audience is children, they work hard to see what they see and think what they think. What if we applied the same practice? What if we got on our knees in prayer to see things from Jesus’ perspective? What if we made it our mission to think, love and act like him in every interaction, problem, celebration and encounter during our day? When marketers try to sell us a product they try to get into our thoughts and they often use a motto or slogan to get things to stick. Maybe we need to do the same! If you were to come up with a motto for your journey toward Jesus what would it be? If we each had a motto that summed up our desires to live out our sainthood, we could use it like an anchor to ground us in our mission to have the same mind as Christ. It’s not a new idea but it’s a great one that could be powerful. In order to help me create my own, I studied those of other really holy folks. Maybe by sharing a few you can begin to ask the Holy Spirit to help you create one for yourself. **Pope John Paul II: Totally Yours (Totus Tuus) **Pope John XXIII: Obedience and Peace (Obedientia et Pax) **Jesuit Order: For the Greater Glory of God (Ad maiorem Dei Gloria) **Franciscan Order: Peace and Good (Pax et bonum) **Dominican Order: To praise, to preach, to bless (Audare, benedicere, praedicare) **St. Elizabeth of the Trinity: God in me, I in Him **St. John Henry Newman: Heart speaks to heart. **Catholic Author Claire Dwyer: Respect life, Revel truth, Radiate love **St. Mary 6th grade Class of 2022: Do good work **St. Mary School: We will come to know God, love God and serve God and his people What will your motto be? What words or phrase will serve as a great reminder to take on the mind of Christ so we can complete his joy and enjoy heaven in His presence? It doesn’t have to be long or Latin, just something to snap your mind to attention. When the kids were little and they got near the stove all I had to do was say “No, Hot!” and they instantly cut and ran. I need something that helps me cut and run from the ways of the world and the grip of temptation and sin. I need a little something to remind me not to judge, compare, gossip or stick my nose into business that isn’t my own. I need a little something to help me change my perspective when I’m not being of the mind and heart of Jesus. A Seed To Plant: Pray about your motto. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you start with a list of words and ideas you can pray with and use to create a motto designed to help you think with his mind. Blessings on your day!
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February 2025
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