The noise, busyness, and demands of the day can make living as a Daughter of God tricky work. Sisters in Christ need to pray together, stick together, and lift each other up on our journey to sainthood. Life gets messy and we forget that we are loved beyond measure and cherished beyond imagination. Sheri has been married for more than three decades, has raised three kids, and is captivated with the joy of grandchildren. Her giant sense of humor and “Jesus meet me in the mess” attitude allow her to relate to and lead women to a place of laughter, prayerful reflection, and joyful hope. If you have a group of women who need to be lifted up, affirmed, challenged, and sent forth to joyfully love and serve the Lord, Sheri is the one for the task. Consider inviting her to your next…
Charm is deceptive; beauty is fleeting but the woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
“Sheri has been a presenter at the Michigan Catholic Women's Conference for many years and is a favorite among our attendees. Sheri radiates the joy of the Lord and her presentations are filled with love for Jesus and His Church with humble sincerity and a lot of humor. She captivates her audience with her storytelling and teaching style that enables the listener to understand and easily recall. You will be moved to tears one moment and laughing the next!”
– Cheryl Quin, Chair of Michigan Catholic Women's Conference |
“Sheri always delights her audience with her attention, humor, and great love of the Lord. Sheri is a natural teacher and storyteller, which keeps people engaged and captivated. Most of all, people who attend Sheri's workshops walk away feeling better equipped and inspired to reach out and share their faith with others.”
– Larann Wilson, Archdiocese of Oklahoma City Associate Director of the Department of Evangelization and Discipleship |
Email [email protected]Phone 989.640.6673 |
Content is the intellectual property of Sheri Wohlfert
Created by Olivia K Design