Joyful Words Blog
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my path.
– Psalm 119:105
– Psalm 119:105
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105
Happy birthday Joyful Words! I can’t believe it’s been two years; the Monday’s and Thursday’s have just clipped right along. It’s very humbling to be a part of what the Holy Spirit can do when we say yes and get out of His way. This work is truly the work of the Holy Spirit because more than 200 posts later, He just keeps sending the words. I have no training, no related degree, I am not a Scripture Scholar or Theologian but yet y’all just keep on reading…and I thank you for that! Someone asked me when I started how long I would keep the blog up and I remember thinking; I’m still stuck on “how” let alone “how long!” I suppose as long as the Holy Spirit keeps sending the ideas and people keep on reading I’ll just keep typing. As I read through some of the archives I realize there are some pretty common threads among the posts. I suppose that’s a testament to the fact that we all wake up every day, try to love the Lord a little more than we did yesterday and ask forgiveness for the same shortcomings week after week. I think we share that struggle and I think we can blame most of it on Adam and Eve! Every now and again as I wrestle with my own sinfulness I imagine having a conversation with Eve and saying something like, “Really Eve…was the apple really THAT stinkin’ wonderful looking; let me tell you about that stupid piece of fruit you ate!” Then I realize, I am Eve, again and again and again so who am I to point fingers and roll eyes! It doesn’t matter if it’s an apple, a bag of potato chips, a gossipy conversation or an inflation of the truth, it’s all the same, its human weakness and sinfulness and we’ve all got some! Sometimes I worry that I don’t have anything new to say but I suppose there is comfort in that as well. I guess as long as we wake up in the morning and realize there will never be a perfect, sinless day we can take a deep breath and ask God to lift us, guide us and do our best to hang on tight to his sleeve as He leads us through the day. It’s the letting go of His sleeve that trips us up isn’t it! Maybe my next post should be called “Hold on to my sleeve silly…that’s all you have to do!” Thank you for allowing me to share stories about my family, my little lovelies and my goofy life. Thank you to each and every one of you who have commented or “liked” or “shared” the posts, all of your support and encouragement keeps me writing. I can’t tell you how completely goose-bumpy it feels to be bolted awake at 3 am on post morning to write a different post because the Holy Spirit tells me to and then a few hours later have a reader say, “thank you, I really needed to hear those words today!” Folks, let’s be clear, I am not in charge of this adventure and I find it so amazing when things like that happen, thank you for sharing those things…To Him be the glory! Mostly, I’m just very grateful that we live in a country where we can share our faith so freely and I’m convinced WE NEED TO DO IT MORE! Thanks for tuning in each week, you are a bigger blessing in my life than I can even express! No homework today, just a giant BLESSINGS ON YOUR DAY!
6/22/2014 11:45:40 pm
And you are a blessing to all of us! I look forward to each Monday and Thursday morning! Thank you for sharing with us!
6/23/2014 01:47:22 am
Your words lift me up. Thank you for sharing your special gift!
6/23/2014 04:52:20 am
Thanks for your words. We will keep reading as long as you keep on writing! You are a blessing.
6/23/2014 04:56:09 am
Happy Birthday, Joyful Words! Here it is, your birthday, yet we are the ones who receive the gifts....the gifts of your words and inspirations. Thank you for continuing to write these posts - I always love reading them :)
6/23/2014 06:17:15 am
Congrats on 2 years!! Joyful Words is truly a blessing. Thanks for all you do Sheri!
6/24/2014 04:29:57 am
Thanks for sharing your gifts with us, Sheri! Your blog has been a blessing and I look forward for more posts to come :)
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February 2025
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