Joyful Words Blog
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my path.
– Psalm 119:105
– Psalm 119:105
…and a little child will lead them. Isaiah 11:6
I tried to put together some joyful, light-hearted words for today’s post but quite honestly it was just too hard. Light and lifting words didn’t come like they usually do because like everyone else in this town and the terrific little towns around us; my heart is just too heavy today. For those readers from far away, you’ll need to know that Saturday a young Saint named Trent started his journey to heaven. He’s on his way home, but the rest of us are feeling the hole left by one of the most courageous, contagiously happy, faith-filled 14 year olds you could ever have the great blessing to meet. It’s easy to sink to the depths of our heavy hearts and wonder where God is in all this! It’s easy to feel cheated and angry. None of us want to explain to our children why a small community should have to bury not one but two teenagers in a 14 month time span. It’s just all so very hard but yet as Christians, we know darn good and well that this is when God does His best work. We know as Christians that when our journey on this earth ends, a life that is absolutely glorious, peaceful, beautiful and amazing begins. It is so magnificent we as humans can hardly even imagine it. We believe that and we take comfort in that...especially this week. I heard a person say yesterday, “Why a child?” It immediately made me think of this verse from Isaiah. When Trent first began his battle 3 years ago, there was a benefit breakfast for him and the number of people who came formed a line for hours that went out the door, through the parking lot and far down the sidewalk. At many different stages in his battle, Trent or one of his parents would call the school and ask for prayers on the day of a test or treatment and 200 kids would stop whatever they were doing to pray. One night last summer hundreds of people parked in a hayfield and gathered in Trent’s back yard to pray a Rosary with him and his family. He was so very young but yet captivated and gathered a spirit of prayer and faithful hope that was larger than life. One little boy united and strengthened hundreds with his faith and his courage. Trent’s life forever changed so many. His enthusiasm and his strength and his constant request for prayers strengthened the faith of us all! The days ahead will be difficult indeed, but like Trent, our hope is in Christ. Our strength is in God’s love and in our compassionate, loving support of each other. The greatest tribute we can make to Trent and his family is to truly be led by this Child of God; led to a life lived with greater faith and hope in God; led to a life steeped in prayer and led to a life humbly trusting in the God who made us. A seed to plant: Hold the ones you love a little tighter today, say a prayer for all parents who have lost a child and ask God to show you where a child might lead you. Blessings on your day!
Jackie Wieber
1/13/2013 11:16:08 pm
Thank you so much Sherri, very well said. Yes we have another saint to intercede for us now. Thank God we have another life to look forward to or it would make the suffering here senseless. Blessings to you too.
1/13/2013 11:28:11 pm
Beautifully said, Sherri.
1/14/2013 02:59:39 am
Perfect words when there are few to ease our sorrow. Thank you!
Eunice Arens
1/14/2013 09:41:33 am
Sherri, thank you for your lovely words of insperation. Trent is truely a saint in heaven.
Jackie Badder
1/14/2013 12:15:53 pm
Perfectly said and beautifully written. Trent did bring so many people together. Our lives will forever be impacted by his positive attitude and his loving nature. My tears are of sadness but also encouragement. I am encouraged by the incredible strength we witnessed from such a young man and his family. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Trent at this time. The community mourns yet another loss.
Mary Armbrustmacher
1/14/2013 02:32:18 pm
This is proof that our loving God can take the most painful of situations, and bring about hope and joy.
Leas Spitzley
1/15/2013 01:26:51 am
Thanks Sherri. May God Hold You close Trent.
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