Joyful Words Blog
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my path.
– Psalm 119:105
– Psalm 119:105
"Joy is the serious business of Heaven.” ~ C. S. Lewis
I think if any of us could actually remember our first year of life, we’d be amazed at all we were able to do in twelve short months. Some of us have a better understanding of the accomplishments of the first year of life because we’re parents. Many have perhaps never even stopped long enough to give it thought, but if you ponder it a second it’s pretty amazing. Babies begin as little bundles that can’t even hold up their own head but they turn into little people that learn to communicate, motivate their body, begin to feed and soothe themselves, and recognize the ones they love. All that in 365 days! The really astounding part is they do all of it without going to a class, or a seminar and with very little guidance and instruction; it just happens naturally. Generally speaking, nobody really interferes with the process…we don’t introduce legislation or pass ordinances or seek corporate funding for the process. We simply have faith, pray for healthy children, meet basic human needs, lovingly support and encourage and… ta-dah…the result is as a one year old who is surprisingly different than the child they were twelve months earlier. Today is the first birthday of the Joyful Words blog and as I reflect back on what has changed and what I have learned in the last twelve months I am surprised, pleased and humbled! This whole process has been very much like the first year of a baby’s life. I started out with no training, no experience and I often feel no business, offering perspective and ideas about how to “Live Christ”. I’m not a trained writer, Theologian or Scripture scholar. What I am, is a woman who gets it wrong more than she gets it right and I’m able to use laughter and humor as I look for God in the most common and the most peculiar situations and experiences. I really think becoming good Disciples is all about practicality and I think God uses the events of daily life like laundry and flat tires and disappointments to draw us closer. I truly believe we seek the simple and simple is what I’m good at! I will be honest, I fought this writing thing kicking and screaming! I had attended a class on the gifts and charisms of the Holy Spirit and through the course we were required to complete a 180 question inventory. The scores revealed that I possessed the charism of writing. I distinctly remembered thinking the scoring tool was suffering some sort of malfunction! I sat with that knowledge for more than two years and throughout that time these odd requests kept coming to me that all required writing. My mom was a huge believer in the power of the Holy Spirit as the giver of words and knowledge so when those first requests started coming in, I remembered the way she taught me to pray to the Holy Spirit for HIS words not mine, because His words would always be better. She was completely right! Over the course of the last year, there have been many times I’ve sat down at the laptop to compose the next day’s blog and had absolutely no idea what to write about and my prayer is always the same, “Holy Spirit please send me the words you want me to use today. Please allow me to be the messenger of a word or blessing to someone’s heart.” It’s fun work for sure! When I started I was a little overwhelmed about the thought of doing this twice every week but I just felt Him guiding the whole process so I listened and promised Him that as long as He sent the words, I’d provide the typing! Just like an infant, who with faith, prayer and love changes naturally and dramatically throughout the first year, I too have been changed profoundly. I have been blessed and humbled beyond measure by this work and I would like to thank all of you for that. I have been so touched by your comments and your stories…those honestly are the things that keep me writing. My deal with God was, as long as people let me know YOUR words are touching their hearts, I’ll keep typing and hitting the publish button. Thank you for putting up with my goofy sense of humor and my simple minded approach to living and spreading the Gospel message. Thank you for listening to my silly stories and for taking a front row seat twice a week as I reveal my shortcomings and my challenges as a Child of God. Thank you for telling others about the blog and sharing the link. I suspect the reason we all show up here twice a week is because we’re all in the same boat...tryin our best to live like saints. I guess we’d do well to remember that God created us in His image so we could love and be loved. If I were to blow out a candle on this first birthday, my wish would be for God’s blessing upon all of you! A Seed To Plant: Eat a really yummy dessert to celebrate this birthday. While you eat it, reflect back on the past year and make a list of the changes and blessings you’ve seen. Thank God for one blessing He’s given you for each bite of dessert you take. Blessings on your day!
Erin Smith
6/20/2013 04:10:07 am
I knew there was a reason I was eating yummy strawberry shortcake while reading this blog! Congratulations on a successful first year… May there be many more joyful words! I love reading your post twice a week!
Ann Lehman
6/20/2013 04:12:13 am
Happy Birthday!! This past year, I have looked forward to every time you certainly have a gift and we are all so lucky you are sharing it with us! Have a great time in Steuby....I told Vicki she has a great roommate, and that she will love this weekend. I'm happy for you both to be able to attend 😊
6/20/2013 06:10:09 am
I year later I still look so forward to reading this blog twice a week. God Bless You for your writings!
6/20/2013 06:18:47 am
Sheri, I just wanted to let you know that your words always touch my heart! You never cease to say things in a way that I can clearly understand. The Holy Spirit works wonders through you, and it amazes me that every single time I read your blog that the message you send out is always different, yet they all lead back to the same thing, God. Honestly, every time I get done reading your blog I feel like for some reason it ALWAYS relates to what I have been dealing with in my life at that specific moment! It still amazes me how your words (and the Holy Spirit's) can affect me so much! So thanks for all the hard work and time you put into writing all these! I just wanted to let you know that it is all worth it because I am sure I am not the only one who feels this same way! Thanks so much for everything!! and I can't wait for another years worth of your fantastic blogs!!! :)
Rebecca Schmidt
6/20/2013 06:41:52 am
So glad you started the Joyful Words blog!
6/20/2013 08:34:26 am
Happy Birthday Joyful Words. Thank you for being you.
Sandy Shuler
6/21/2013 04:17:54 am
Congratulation! You are a magnificent Christed being, reminding all who come to this banquet of Joyful Words that we need only allow our magnificent Christed being to shine everyday in all ways. I am inspired deeply by your courage to step forward.
6/21/2013 09:34:53 am
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Had a sweet treat and asked God's blessings upon you. Look forward to next week and the weeks to come.
6/22/2013 05:13:35 am
I've really enjoyed reading this blog for the past year! Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to keep blessing us with your writing. I always gain so much from your blog and love the humor you add to your writing! You are such a blessing to us all. God is truly great!
Lynn Strong
6/23/2013 03:24:34 pm
Sheri - I don't think there's any question that there was NO malfunction in the scoring tool of the inventory you took a few years ago - as you truly possess the charism of writing!! I agree that people love simple and I absolutely love your simplicity! Thank you for being God's conduit for us and for sharing your gifts so unselfishly each week. I hope we are all able to celebrate many more "Joyful Blog" birthdays! :) Thanks again!
Bernice Thelen
6/24/2013 04:25:15 am
Sherri, love your down to earth comments and hummor and put it all together leading to spirituality and Our Lord. Sharing your personal life and its dealings makes one feel we are not the only one who needs direction in the ups and downs in our daily lives. Keep up these "Joyful Words".
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February 2025
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