Joyful Words Blog
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my path.
– Psalm 119:105
– Psalm 119:105
Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:11
Still...yeah, right...It's clear the author of this Psalm knew nothing about baseball, car pools, laundry, dinner, staff meetings and the dozen other things we have to cram into a day! I have yet to see "Be Still" appear on my daily calendar right above hair cut, dentist appointment or about you? But I'm beginning to think maybe we should! A few years ago, one of my little first grade lovelies told the class her grandma taught her that if you're really still and quiet sometimes you can hear God's voice and it's like a soft whisper in your ear! There was simply nothing more for me to say during that lesson...I felt like I owed her my paycheck for the day because her lesson was far more powerful than anything I could come up with! This weekend we went on a family camping trip and I plopped down in a lawn chair all by myself and something completely cool happened! As I landed in my lawn chair, I tossed up a quick prayer of thanks for getting us there safely and asked Him to bless the family who was gathered for the weekend and also to bless those who couldn't make it. I was completely struck by the almost deafening silence that followed that quick prayer...and then it happened...out of nowhere...I heard one of my absolute favorite sounds...the laughter of little children...ya know the kind...where they giggle so hard they almost fall over! It was a great gift! I'm convinced it was "a quiet whispering" of sorts. I don't think God always whispers, actually when I think about it, He can be really loud and sometimes very funny. The trick to hearing His voice begins with our stillness. It's in that stillness we give Him the chance to send us the gift of an awareness of His presence. Seems pretty simple doesn't it...all we need to do to receive the gift is to be still and connect with the Father who wants more than ANYTHING to connect with us! A seed to plant: Right now...look at your schedule for the week and purposefully plan some moments EVERY day where you will do nothing but BE STILL and ask God "to come on in to your life." Be sure to let us know what you heard! Blessings on your day!
Kay Schneider
6/25/2012 07:25:31 am
Ann Lehman
6/25/2012 10:03:31 am
Love your website, Sheri! As I read your first story, Be Still, I was reminded of a time, way back, when I was a new Mom and also babysitting. Everything was total chaos. One day, one of the babies I was taking care of was crying non-stop and I couldn't stop him...I got so frustrated! I threw my hands up and said, "Oh my!! He's just crying like a baby!" A five year old who was watching it all said to me - "Well, maybe that's because he IS a baby." Wow. Time stood still and I just knew God spoke to me through this little child!! I relaxed, gained perspective, and the rest of my day was wonderful, no matter how chaotic it got! Now, with the kids being big, it's a different kind of chaos, but I often think of that day to try and help me "Be Still". I've got you bookmarked - love the site!
Michelle Davis
6/25/2012 03:32:37 pm
Hi, Sheri. I just read "lovelies" and heard your voice! It made me smile. I will be tuning in each week.
Carolyn Norton
6/27/2012 01:49:16 am
Renate Rademacher
6/27/2012 11:33:53 am
Sheri, what an uplifting and loving blog you have created! You are truly a blessing to all of us! Perfect timing to write about our Being Still. (Something we all need to do more of.) Just turning off all of the technology and truly listen for God's words and/or listening and talking to family and friends is something we all need to make time for. Thank-you for all that you do.
Lisa Spitzley
7/2/2012 02:52:30 am
Hi there Sheri. thanks. A wonderful reminder of how we need to come to God with the heart of a child.
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February 2025
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